Monday, April 29 was the 2nd Annual Plant a Kiss Day.

In the spirit of Amy Krouse Rosenthal’s work,18 bloggers set out to “Plant a Kiss” in the world on April 29. We each did something we thought would spread a little extra joy, color, connection, poetry, or magic in the world. Then we watched to see what would happen!

Today all of us are posting about that experience. (Check out my own activity— a Bubble Flash Mob — below!)

This year, we had a whole group of 4th grade girls who joined us in planting kisses! I will be sharing what they conjuted up with you via this blog as soon as their teacher gets a moment to breathe and gather it all together. Wheeee!

Click here to find links to all of the participating bloggers and hop around to see how each woman was uniquely inspired to celebrate Plant a Kiss Day. After you blog bop, I’d love it if you’d come back here and tell me all about your experience! I wanna hear about what resonated with you, what surprised you, what made you smile …

Bubble Flash Mob 2013

In the case of my own Plant a Kiss Day activity, I think the photos tell it better than I ever could! I will say this, one of the many many moments that had me grinning was at the end of the day, back home over dinner, when my son said to me, “Mom, I had a great time today. And did you see all those people smiling? Did you see all the little kids running around and giggling? You made a lot of people happy. I’d say that’s a very good thing.”

A very good thing, indeed. Big thanks to my niece Tara for doing the publicity, to Ian for making all the really big bubbles, to Bob for doing the photography, to Kayne for videotaping and juggling (that’s him in the last photo, interviewing me), and to the Executive Bubble Committee of San Francisco for surprising us with tons of bubbly fun! Also, special thanks to all the foks who came out to join us and create a beautiful bubbly community!

It was really amazing and uplifting to see how something as simple as bubbles could connect all of us and make life feel so magical!

If you’re ever feeling lonely and in need of community, simply go to a public place with a basket full of bubble to hand out and watch what happens!



































































Haven’t seen enough? “Pop” on over to my post-event promo page for even more bubble photos!