Ah, it is nearly the end of the day. I’m wondering if you laughed out loud today.
I cracked up when I was juggling grapefruit with my son and they thunked on the floor and rolled away. But then I decided I needed a little more belly laughs. And that’s when I remembered “Laughing Sal.” I happen to love this ole gal. But some folks find her creepy. Click here to listen to her chuckle.
San Francisco Bay Area folks can meet Sal in person at the Musee Mecanique, one of my fav museums. (Actually, when you visit its website, you might get a chuckle out of their audio!) There’s a sister Sal at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk, but I don’t think she’s quite as funny.
Anyhow, if Laughing Sal doesn’t make you laugh, can you find something nearby that does? It feels good.
If you have something funny you want to share, please do!
[Photo copyright Cary Norsworthy; Musee Mecanique SF]