This morning I was asked the question, “How do you renew your passion for work when you’re feeling uninspired and need some oomph?”
I loved that question because it made me think about conscious choices I can make to foster creativity and energy — rather than falling into the pit of lethargy. Here are a few things that popped into my mind that I do to keep from feeling like “the Blob” at work:
- I’m a firm believer in the philosophy of “change your life in ten minutes.” When I’m running low on “juice” I will set aside ten minutes to do yoga to help me re-energize and find some balance. I’ll also try just ten minutes of meditation or a ten minute walk or ten minutes of dancing to music that I love. Any of these things can help turn off the mind and bring me back into my body and senses — helping get the creativity going again.
- I like to keep some inspirational books on my desk so I can leaf through one when I’m feeling stuck or dry. Usually this works best for me if the books contain thought-provoking images or lyrical language. Right now I have a copy of “Anonymous: Enigmatic images from unknown photographers” by Robert Flynn Johnson and “Ten Poems to Change Your Life” by Roger Housden sitting on the desk.
- One of the tools that Tricia (my business partner) and I use is that we have a morning “boost” call. We spend ten minutes at the start of the business day just checking in and being able to talk about our energy levels and any place we may feel stuck or confused. These calls provide an amazing foundation for the day — helping us to support one another and set intentions. Maybe you have a friend or co-worker who would be interested in morning boosts? (Or, stay-tuned, Trish and I hope to launch some community boost calls soon!)
- I’m usually tempted to (and often do!) grab a cup of coffee and a pastry to perk me up. However, what usually works much better is when I opt for some sparkling water with lime, chunks of pineapple, or a banana snoothie!
What works for you? Any tips you want to share?
Have a juicy day!