Anyone else ever wake up after a long, fun-filled weekend and feel a sense of dread? It’s Monday morning after Memorial Day Weekend and I awoke feeling so heavy and uninspired. The bizarre thing is, I love the work I do. I have a great life. There is nothing at all “bad” going on. I’m surrounded by pleasure. I saw all of this at a glance while meditating this morning. It really made me pause to wonder what in the world the blues were all about.
Luckily, my biz partner, Tricia, and I have a practice of morning “boost” calls— ten minute check-ins to check in and help each other start the day. Trish was also feeling an odd heaviness this morning. We wondered if there is some sort of collective consciousness happening. A cultural “story” many of us feel about Mondays.
I don’t want to buy into the Monday morning blues — whether they’re created by my Monkey Mind or collective energy. To try to beat ‘em, I started sifting through my online collection of images that make me feel good.By gum, it worked! Looking at things that make me feel good DID make me feel good.
My Zen teacher, Cheri Huber, has a saying that goes, “The quality of your life is determined by the focus of your attention.”
Instead of focusing on my Monday blues, I’m thinking blue skies and whimsy! How ’bout you?