Life’s too short to wear beige panties…

SIMPLY CELEBRATE NEWSLETTER    JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 If you know me at all, you've heard me say — maybe ad nauseam — "there is so much more to Simply Celebrate than oom-pah-pah and party pinatas; it's about a deeper, more...

2013: Sending you a great big YES

Hi. Welcome to 2013. I'm sitting in the quiet kitchen at my mom's house in a tiny town in Ohio. There's a pair of blue jays clamoring for bread outside the window and a small brown wren just landed on our snowman's twiggy arm. (I'm surprised she...

2013: Sending you a great big YES

I'm creating a "no-need-to-do" list that includes these things: *No need to make anything look perfect: Banish Norman Rockwell and bask in my own norm. * No need to stop taking care of myself during the holidays: the more I take care of this body, the...

My 3 Fave Ways to Celebrate in under 10 Minutes …

1. Play dead I know this may feel counterintuitive, but the first way I practice joy is to remind myself every morning that I am going to die and everyone I love will die. When I consciously remember that my days are limited and that at any moment I could lose someone...

If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is!

Hi. I love this short bit of philosophy from Kurt Vonnegut. I try to pay attention and voice when life is good. But this is advice I would love to heed even more in life! How 'bout you? "And now I want to tell you about my late Uncle Alex. He was my...