Welcome to your Sunday LoveGram. 

The world is so big and beautiful. The world is so harsh and cold. It is a harrowing ride sometimes, simply being human. Other times, it feels simple, like toast with butter. 

Wherever you are and however you are feeling, know that you are loved. My biggest wish for you is that you allow yourself to remember that it is natural to have all of these ups and downs. 

It is especially natural when the world feels turned upside down with wars and fire and fighting and grief. 

We need one another. 

We must take care of one another. 

I’m so grateful for the many ways you support me. I hope I do the same for you. 


Today’s audio LoveGram  sort of found its own way here. A chance song led to a chance memory led to a current event. 

As I say in the audio, it all became like us — me and you— opening a door and peering in. 

I can tell you this: it is a gift to have kindred spirits around when there is a room full of hard stuff and I am opening that door. 

Who needs your hand on the doorknob as they open up a door to something hard? And what about you? Whose hand do you need? 

To hear more, listen to today’s LoveGram by clicking to this page, then scrolling down until you see the audio player. 


Ram Dass said that we are all just walking each other home. When I hear or write his quote, I usually think of us as holding hands. 

Be gentle with yourself and others as we face everything that feels sad or hard in our human world. 

In that gentleness, is light. Is love. Is faith that together we can get through anything. 

I’m here with you. You are not alone. None of us are. 

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry