Hello wonderful friend.

I send you a soothing, serene breath. (Maybe many of ’em!) 

I send you the sound of laughter from afar.  

I send you the deep belief that you are LOVED.  (You are!) 


Thank you to everyone who sent me such kind notes last week when I had some emergency health situations with people in my life. Wow, was that scary. 

Today’s audio LoveGram is about “lifting the veil” of everyday life and helping ourselves remember what really matters. 

I frequently say, “We don’t know how much time we have with people we love.” I really felt that last week. I understood for the 1000th time, the true importance and necessity of “Say it Now.” 

In today’s audio, we talk about how to let go of the busy stuff and all the to-do’s and come home to ourselves and the people we love. 

When you open the door to greet your family and friends (in real time or virtually) how can you be present? How can you show up with the love and caring that is the best gift of all? (For them and for YOU!) 

To hear more, listen to today’s audio LoveGram. Click on the link, then scroll down on the page it sends you to, you’ll see the audio player. 


Thank you for being here with me.  I know you are here because you want to live a kind, generous, loving life. 

You care about people around you. I know you are in my circle because, like me, you are practicing to remember every day what really matters. 

I know that you want to FEEL more. I know you want to EXPRESS more. 

All of these conversations we are having help us connect to ourselves and to what matters most. Our conversations jumpstart more energy and enthusiasm in our lives — and for the people we love. 

We’re on this journey together.  

I’m GRATEFUL for you.  

I am the opening the door right now and imagining I can see your beautiful face and give you a huge hug! 

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry