Hey there, beautiful friend!

Welcome to your Sunday LoveGram.

I’m writing to you Thanksgiving weekend and am filled with gratitude for having you in my life.

I love our conversations about relationships, appreciation, and celebration.

I love that we get to grow together.

I love your big heart and the way you seek out the good in the world.

Thank you, also, for the generous and loving show of support this week when I reached out to ask for help with my book, “Say it Now” on Amazon.

I was just telling my son about how this really challenging thing in my life became such a gift to me because I practiced asking for help.

And because YOU have been responding.

If there is something you need help with or if you are feeling alone with a challenge, I encourage you to push past that queasiness or uncomfortableness and ASK.

You’ve opened my heart this week. I am grateful beyond measure.


My son is staying with me this weekend and I really love his company. He is such a bright light in my life. I love watching him find his way in the world and discover who he wants to be.

Since my time with him is short, I want to eke out every minute of it that I can. So, this week I am sending your LoveGram as written form only.

(Your audio LoveGram will be back next week!)

I hope you will think about an area of your own life where you can give yourself a break, like I am doing today.

Where can you “buy yourself” some time for something important to you by changing up how you do something else?

Obviously, asking for help is another way to support ourselves. Is there a place you need to ask for help? Will you do it?

I’m cheering you on. I know it isn’t always easy to give ourselves a break or ask for help, but it is so important to do.


I know you. I know you have a beautiful, caring heart.

I know you love the people in your life.

Please, be extra kind and loving to yourself. Let yourself consider new ways of getting support.

I’m glad to be here with you!

Thank you for being with me. As Ram Dass says, “We are all just walking each other home.”


Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry