Happy Sunday to you, beautiful human!

How do I know you are beautiful? Because you are here, wanting to focus on love, appreciation, everyday joy, and gratitude.

You are here, wanting to be present for yourself and for people you love.

You are here, wanting to live an authentic and true life. Letting yourself experience all the ups and downs, hopefully sharing the sweetness and the burdens, too. 

I see you.

I see your willing heart. I see your open arms, holding everything.


I’m here, holding it, too. This was a hard week in many ways, but I got to see some things. I got to feel a lot of things. And I get to share it with wonderful humans — including YOU!

Today, my audio LoveGram is about how we stand by our own side when things feel hard.

It’s what we do to accept where we are and allow emotions to flow through us. It is also about how we know when it is time to seek a little uplift. 

In my audio, there’s a “circle” theme. The circle of emotions we feel as humans, the circle of life, the cycling of stories, patterns, and “what-that-agains.

Listen to today’s Audio LoveGram by clicking through to this page now!  (Just scroll down on that page until you see the audio player. Press play. That’s it!)


In my audio I reference a video that my son discovered and passed along to me.

I REALLY want you to watch it. Click here. 

I think you will love it.

It is tender and whimsical and will tug on your heart. It will make you want to go hug your child or your dog.

It is one of those videos that reminds us that we are actually living on a big ball spinning through space and our days are limited.

It reminds us to pause and watch the ducks in the pond.

It reminds us to love ourselves and our lives, just a little more.

I know you have so many things to do or that you could do. But I hope you will take a few minutes to enjoy the video.

And then, relax and you listen to today’s audio LoveGram.

They go hand in hand.


We also go hand in hand.

I mean, you ‘n me.

All of us. 

Helping each other navigate the smooth roads and the bumpy ones.

Mine was kinda bumpy this week. But that’s okay.

How was yours?


I love you. I’m here with you.

Walking arm in arm ’round the twists and turns.

Thank you for being on this journey of love, celebration, grief,  confusion, messiness, and appreciation with me.

It’s okay (and natural) that it is all here on our journey.

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry