If you celebrate Easter — or even if you don’t!— you can make this weekend even sweeter by adding eggstra love.
For this uplifting and joyful gift you just need a basket and some of those plastic, fillable eggs or an empty egg carton and some chocolate eggs.
Whichever you choose, you’re gonna fill it with a whole bunch of nondenominational sweetness and LOVE.
And, listen, my friend… if you live alone, I am challenging you to create this for yourself! See my P.S. below!
Make ’em a LOVE LIST basket or LOVE LIST carton!
What’s a Love List? You know how people tell all those great stories + appreciations at funerals? A Love List is a way to SAY IT NOW.
It is a brainstorm of all the reasons you love someone and what makes them unique. It’s what you appreciate. This list can be sweet, funny, sexy, or serious. It can include any number of loving attributes, characteristics, or memories about someone. It is a simple idea with a profound impact.
The LOVE LIST Basket:
Below are some step-by-step basket instructions to make it super simple — you can easily do this last-minute! (Scroll down past my signature for the step-by-step basket graphic!)
The LOVE LIST Carton:
Here’s what you do. Get some small plastic eggs that people put in Easter baskets. But instead, you are going to put yours in an empty egg carton! You’re still going to put the Love List strips inside. But this way, it isn’t Easter, it is just because!
How fun would it be to do this for someone you live with? You put the carton in the fridge and wait til they discover your surprise! (Just make sure you have some real eggs around in case they were super hungry for an omelette!)
Scroll down past the Easter graphic to see a photo of the egg carton LOVE LIST!
Remember, my friend, even if you don’t celebrate Easter, you can STILL use this weekend to express your love to someone in your life.
Why not, right?!
Everyone needs to know WHY they are loved and WHY they matter.
Try to add that in the mix as often as you can, okay?!
Not only will this uplift others and help them feel more appreciated, it will change YOUR life. You will feel a greater sense of vitality and joy.
I promise.
Making these kinds of “I see you” gifts for others has literally changed the shape of my life. My connections to people have deepened over the years.
I feel more positive because I am on the lookout for things to love about people.
It is a lifestyle that we can choose.
I want this for you, too.
Hope you will try this for someone you love.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
P.S. Live alone? I challenge you to make one of these LOVE LIST gifts for yourself. YEP! I mean it. You make think that sounds silly or pathetic … but what it really is, is loving, strong, capable, and incredibly important. If we would all spend just a little more time loving ourselves as much as we love others, the world would be kinder and gentler. I want to receive an email from you after you create this for yourself, okay? Send me a photo and tell me a little story about how it felt to make and receive. It will truly be a big gift to ME!!!
P.P.S. There are LOTS more creative gift ideas like this in my book, “Say it Now!”