Good morning to you — a blessing in my life.
Today, I send you a never-ending list of names of people who love you.
I send you that person who lives in a small town in Indiana, who is still thinking about something kind you said twenty years ago.
I send you a spritz of lime in your water, the scrumptious texture of the poppyseed muffin, and the scent of jasmine on your morning walk.
Friend, today’s audio LoveGram is about how we bring ourselves a little bit of joy, even when we’re crabby or down. And how we might feel guilty for being crabby or down (or being joyful or being lucky) when there is so much grief in the world. And so, what do we do with all of that?
Today’s message is about a new practice that I learned this week. Something Life generously dropped down to me, like the way babies are depicted dropping from storks’ mouths. Gifts from the universe, bestowed upon us when we have our eyes cast upward, toward the skies.
(To listen to the audio, just click over to this page, scroll down, and hit “play” on the audio player.)
In my audio, I share with you the practice of naming things. Of counting. Of intentionally making lists.
I want you to start a document somewhere, by hand or on your computer, and make a list of every person you have even met in your life. As you do so, I want you to think about the ways that person has been a gift or blessing to you.
(Yep, even the people whom we think we dislike or whom we think are our nemesis!)
In my LoveGram, I share my own story about this practice. I hope you’ll listen as you take a walk outside or while you are washing dishes or while you are lying on the comfy couch today!
There’s a lot to this practice and I hope you’ll listen to the audio.
This poem by Mary Oliver is a bit of a spoiler. *smile*
“Sometimes I spend all day trying to count leaves on a single tree. To do this I have to climb branch by branch and write down the numbers in a little book. So I suppose, from their point of view it’s reasonable that my friends say: what foolishness! She’s got her head in the clouds again!
But it’s not. Of course I have to give up, but by then I am half crazy with the wonder of it – the abundance of the leaves, the quietness of the branches, the hopelessness of my effort. And I am in that delicious and important place, roaring with laughter, full of earth-praise.”
I am here with you.
Thank you for being here with me.
Thank you for being someone on my list of people I love and appreciate.
Thank you for being a gift to everyone who has ever met you.
Thank you for the uncountable smiles you have given.
Thank you for the ways you practice love.
We are all just walking each other home. (Thank you, Ram Dass.)
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry