Hello beautiful friend,
I am thinking of you and sending love.
As I’m writing this to you, we’re continuing to receive heartbreaking news from Ukraine. It can be so hard to hold all the emotions that arise during times like this when we know that so many people are living with violence and fear.
The truth is, as we know, that we live on a planet where there is always so much suffering.
We live in a world of paradox — there is so much beauty, goodness, and love. And there is so much violence, hatred, and fear.
How do we navigate all of it? How do we balance taking care of ourselves, our families, our friends, our communities, and the wider world-community?
When I wrote to you on Friday I shared with you that I thought a long time before sending out my email. I walked. I meditated. I waited. I considered. I took a long pause.
Then, I shared with you what seemed true to me. I want to share it again, here, not only for those of you who missed it, but because part of my LoveGram today is about the value of repetition. One of the ways we anchor in reflections and insights is to repeat them to ourselves.
I think all too often, we want shiny new everythings — and we forget that it can be extraordinarily helpful to take the time to revisit something over and over so it becomes part of us, not just a fleeting fancy.
In a world full of bombs and killings, how can we even think about anything else? How can we consider celebration?
After much thought, I came to the same conclusion I always do, which is that in the face of violence, grief, and hatred, LOVE can be medicine.
LOVE can make us generous. LOVE can fortify us so we can be there for others. LOVE can give us strength to take right action, whatever that looks like for each of us.
When heartbreaking things are happening in the world, they can be a reminder to us to live our love out loud even more.
I really believe that if we allow ourselves to feel love, appreciation, and celebration — no matter what — we remind ourselves of our humanity and we can find the strength to support our worldwide community in previously unexpected or unseen ways.
LOVE can open us to new frontiers of generosity. Let’s go there, together.
The world needs us.
You’ll hear this theme echoed in my audio LoveGram today.
You’ll also hear some of my writing from this past week — a piece that speaks to directly to the question of “Who am I to feel such joy and love in the midst of so much suffering?”
(To listen to the audio, just click over to this page, scroll down, and hit “play” on the audio player.)
My dear friend, I know that the past two years have been filled with grief, loss, loneliness, and disappointment.
I understand.
I also know that this is exactly why we all must fortify ourselves. We must inhale all of the love, appreciation, beauty, and joy that we can.
The more we lift our own spirits and create energy, the more we have to give to people around the world who are suffering.
I’m here for you.
I see your generous heart.
I see the love you have ready to give in so many ways.
Now is the time to take any step that feels right to give your light, your time, your money, your support, your heart.
Don’t hold back. Be generous with yourself, your loved ones, and the beautiful strangers of the world.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry