Hello, my beautiful friend.

Today, I send you cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, and honey.

I send you a black and white photo of a family dinner decades ago.

I send you a handwritten greeting card adorned with colorful stickers and your best friend’s handwriting.

I send you a pink streak of cloud against a quiet, white winter sky.

I send you a warm hug, as if I were at your door right now, arms wide, smile at the ready.


Today’s LoveGram is about all kinds of things! It’s a whole cornucopia full of ways that we can finish out this year beautifully — taking care of ourselves, creating magic, feeling free, expressing who we are, sharing connected moments with people we love, and finding all the little pinpricks of light.

Today’s LoveGram is about pausing to answer some questions for yourself that I hope will guide you to what’s really true for you.

In the audio, I pose some questions that will help you think about how you want to be this holiday season and how you want to take care of yourself whether it is a bustling, almost too-busy time for you or whether it feels way too quiet or even lonely.

Whatever your experience of the holidays is, I want to be by your side, supporting you.


I’ve got an idea for how you can feel more connected to the people in your life when you’re sitting around the dinner table or the Zoom video screen.

I’ve got some questions for you about magic. I have questions for you about 2022 and your dreams.

Yep, today’s LoveGram is a hodgepodge. (Hopefully a warm, uplifting, and insightful hodgepodge!)

I want you to have your notebook or journal handy when you listen. Hit “pause” when I ask you a question, okay? Take the time to write a sentence or two in response.

I promise you that you will be glad you did!

There are just a handful of questions and they will support you in ending this year and starting 2022 feeling connected, centered, and peaceful.

It’s a really important time. Make sure that you can be present —and you get to feel alive— for the next couple of weeks as you end the year and as you start 2022.


I send you love. I send you peace. I send you permission to be YOU, exactly as you are.

I send you permission for a beautiful winter season filled with love and light — even when it is super dark in, out, and around you.

Thank you for being here.

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry


P.S. Your challenge this week is to journal about the questions I posed today in my audio. There are just a handful and I think you will get a lot out of ’em!