Good morning, beautiful friend.
Today I send you something unexpected that glitters and gleams.
I send you the lightness of being that you feel when you follow a nudge that calls to you.
I send you the crescent moon, a sparkling star, the slow-motion of a falling autumn leaf as you walk under the oak.
Today’s Audio LoveGram was inspired by something as simple as me walking into my studio, turning on the computer, and seeing a Spotify playlist with one song called, “Start Again.”
That’s the breadcrumb I got.
That’s the crumb I followed.
That’s what led me here, to you, today, now.
That’s how generous and loving Life can be when we show up to meet it.
Listen to today’s Audio LoveGram now!
Click the link in the line above. When it takes you to the Simply Celebrate website, just scroll down on that page until you see the audio player. Click play. And there you go. Magic!
Today’s message is a simple one. (It is the “simply” in Simply Celebrate!)
Show up. Be as present as you can. See the world with fresh eyes. Follow the breadcrumbs (i.e. sparkles or pinpricks of light) Life gives you. Reap your joyous rewards.
However, don’t be fooled into thinking simple means easy. Or, that simple means not valuable.
Neither are true.
Simple means, something you can do in a singular moment. Something that is a gift to yourself that doesn’t cost money or take a lot of effort.
Today, gift yourself with trusting what calls to you. Answer the call and watch what happens. ?
Thank you for being on this journey with me. YOU MATTER. I’m grateful to be walking side by side, navigating all the ups and downs and in-betweens!
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
P.S. The music at the beginning of the audio is Start Again by Daniel Mumford + Huxley Ware.