Hello, friend.

I want to invite you to come hang out with me at two very-quickly-upcoming bookstore events!

And guess what? I’ll also be joined by the wonderful, oh-so-wise, author and poet Mary Anne Radmacher. You may know Mary Anne for her many books and teachings. She’s a gem.

You’ve also likely seen this quote: “Courage does not always soar, sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.” Yep, that’s Mary Anne.

C’mon over to New Renaissance Bookshop tomorrow, March 6th, at 12n PST/3pm EST for a conversation about “When Intentions Collide: How to Set Loving Boundaries.”  

Or, if that doesn’t work, take a jaunt to Northern California to Towne Center Books on Monday, March 8th at 11am PST/2pm EST for another Mary Anne and me conversation, “Making Time for Intentional Living + Loving.”

Don’t worry, you don’t have to fly or get in the car. You don’t have to find a sitter for the kids. You don’t have to even get dressed! 

These are virtual events, of course! Woot woot!

You can come as you are. You can choose to join in the conversation by asking questions/commenting — or not. You can participate in whatever works for you.

I’ve posted the event descriptions below in case you want to know more.

I hope to see you tomorrow afternoon or on Monday for some great conversation. 


Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

