Commercial holidays can be hard for so many. Reach out this weekend to someone who needs a boost of true Valentine’s LOVE. Read on:
My friend (whom I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting in person, but will some day!) Deanna Bowers is a fellow fan of a brand of shoes called John Fluevog Shoes.
What I love about Fluevogs is that they are colorful, comfortable, playful, and FUN.
Every day Deanna participates in something some Fluevies (sassy fluevog wearers) do called Color of the Day (COTD).
During this past week, the COTD just happened to match my book, “Say it Now!”
I wanted to share what Deanna posted because it made me so HAPPY.
You can see that Deanna included the book in her COTD post, but what she was too humble to mention is that she is INCLUDED in my book.
Deanna painted a very colorful + beautiful likeness of her friend, Nancy Shanteau. That painting really showcased Nancy’s positive, bright, loving spirit.
I used Deanna and Nancy’s story to illustrate the gift idea of painting, drawing, photographing, or doodling a positive and uplifting image of someone in your life.
Can you do something like this for someone you love? (Especially someone who may not be feeling or seeing their color or spirit these days because they’re grieving, sick, or isolated?)
It can be as simple as a quick watercolor, ink drawing, or DOODLE that you make and underneath it you write three things you love about this person.
It could be that you find a photograph that really shows that person in their best light. Send them a text or email with that photo and again, a few things you love about them. (This could literally be done in 10 minutes! The impact could be huge!)
When we’re depressed or grieving it can be hard to see the color and light. Help someone see it in themselves. (And watch how great YOU feel in the process of sending that love!)