Hello, my dear friend.
There’s been a theme emerging for me this week. It has to do with finding the energy to bring some love and light to a world so much in need of it.
It has to do with the phrase, “radical joy.”
Radical, in that it would be so easy to get lost in the grief, fear, and uncertainty … but that we know there is the possibility for something else. We know there is a strength inside us that can offer a smile, a loving gesture, or a small pinprick of light to someone who needs it.
(Note: that “someone” might be ourselves.)
In today’s audio Love Gram I give you one simple idea that is sure to connect you to someone you love and miss.
In my most recent article in Kind Over Matter, Long Distance Love, I give some other very simple ways to connect and celebrate — with joy and creativity!
It is my mission in life to support you (and me!!) in connecting with and celebrating people in our lives — let’s be creative and intentional together!
Let’s not let this pandemic steal all our joy.
We can grieve and love at the very same time. We can feel scared, uncertain and sad, and still find ways to be the light that uplifts others.
I believe these are two sides of the same coin. Life is loss. Life is light. We are scared and brave all at once.
Today’s LoveGram is posted here.
(Scroll down on that page to find the audio.)
Thanks for being by my side.
I’m here for you, too.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
🌺 P.S. If you don’t yet have a copy of my book, “Say it Now,” this is a great time to purchase it and USE it! For less than $10, you get 33 amazing creative (not crafty) gift ideas that you can start using right away for the holidays. If you already own the book, would you consider buying it for a friend as a way to spread the message of meaningful gifts + celebration? It would matter so much to me! (Truly.)
🌺 P.P.S. If you create some light for yourself and someone else, email me and tell me what you did and how it felt.