“There is a difference between not knowing and not knowing yet.”
That’s a quote I just discovered by Sheila Toblas this morning.
My LoveGram for you today is an invitation to give yourself some space around a question or issue that you may feel anxious or stressed about.
Can you let go of trying to figure it out? Instead, can you trust that if you hold the question in your heart — or post it on your “wonderings board”— that life will assist you in knowing?
These are upside down times.
This week, in addition to all of the things we do not know about Covid-19 and the world opening up again, here in the U.S. we also have so much unknowing about senseless violence, racism, and privilege.
We may not know how to respond to so many questions in our hearts and on our minds.
I encourage you to do your best to allow the answers to come to you, rather than chasing them down.
How do you do that? Surrender the small, Squawky Polly mind, and know that there is wisdom available to you when you are quiet enough to hear it. Oh, and when it is “yet.” It may not be time to know yet.
Just trust.
For today’s audio LoveGram, click here.
Thank you for who you are and all you bring to my life!
Seek celebration —even in dark corners,
xo Sherry