Truckloads of love to all the wonderful “Say it Now” readers who have visited their local Target stores and posted selfies online.
I’ve seen photos taken in stores from Huntington Beach, CA to Sandy, UT to Round Lake, IL. And more!
I want you to know that it means the world to me to see these photos.
Every time one is posted, I get the biggest grin on my face.
If you have a Target near you and you’re out running errands — we all need bread! — could you take ten minutes to pop into your local store, find the book aisle, and take a selfie with “Say it Now?”
I am inviting everyone to post these photos on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or wherever you are online, and to tag @Target and @SimplyCelebrate. That way the folks at Target will know how much it means to me that they are helping to spread the message to express our love to people in our lives and not to wait to do it.
I’m keeping a running list of everyone who posts their selfie with the book and at the end of March, I’ll be drawing a name from a hat (literally, cuz I’ve got lots of hats!) to choose a winner of $100 Target gift card.
If you visit a store and can’t find the book, PLEASE ask a manager when it will be back in stock. (Extra hugs for that!)
The “Say it Now” message is my life’s legacy and I want to do everything I can to inspire at least a million people to make a Love List and show someone in their life why that person is so lovable and why they matter!
I’m so grateful for all of your help in being a part of spreading this message. 💕
Seek celebration — even in the book aisles of Target,
xo Sherry