I know the road feels uncertain right now.
I know we can’t predict what tomorrow will bring.
I know it can feel shaky, scary, and sad.
There is so much grief and loss right now.
And, at the same time, we have each other.
I take refuge in that.
I take refuge in you. In us. In the collective WE.
Many of you know that I have a history of depression and anxiety. It’s easy for me to imagine falling into that pit of darkness when I’m afraid.
Instead …
I am completely devoted to my practice of focusing on the pinpricks of light.
Where are they?
How can I create them?
Who else desperately needs them?
Just like 30 years ago, when I first saw a small pinprick of light in what felt like an iron wall of depression, I feel the healing power of singular moments. I am trusting that each tiny light, like breadcrumbs along the path, will lead us home.
We may not know what “home” will look like today, tomorrow, or next week. But we know what it feels like.
It feels like community. It feels like love. It feels like connection. It feels like family. It feels like shared humanity. It feels like, “we will get through this together.”
If you find yourself falling into despair, please turn your attention to the smallest of somethings that brings you light.
If you are feeling the light, please look around and see if there is someone who needs you. Reach out. Be the light.
See that Ram Dass quote up above. THIS is what is happening. THIS is what is possible. We can be with each other through this.
At any given time, each of us will have the strength and energy to lead. We will stick together. We will head toward home, toward the light.
I send you a day filled with unexpected moments of light and love.
I send you a day in which you find the strength and willingness to be the light.
I send you love, peace, hope, and a path we walk together.
If you scroll down, you’ll find something I have to offer that I hope will be a beacon of light for you.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
I hope you will join me for a free coaching/support call on Tuesday. March 31st.
We are in this together.
I’ll bring some pinpricks of light for anyone who needs them.
You bring your beautiful, wonderful self.
And some paper/pen.
No registration necessary. Just c’mon by.
Join by telephone (audio only), phone app, or log in via your computer. I’ll be on video. You can choose to watch + listen only. Or join by audio/video.
This is for you. Show up in whatever way you need.
Including coming in your favorite pajamas.
Here is the information you need to participate:
Topic: Sherry’s Free Coaching Support Call
Time: Mar 31, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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