I hope that 2020 has been off to a good start for you!
I’m enjoying a long visit with my wonderful mom, who lives in Ohio. My San Francisco family was here to celebrate the holidays and I stayed on after the guys went back.
I get two more weeks with my mom!
Many of you were kind enough to send her birthday cards a couple years ago. She still has every one of them! 💕 I love to hear her talk about “Linda in New Jersey,” “Diane in Colorado,” “Chantal in Austria,” and dozens of others of you who reached out with such love and joy.
(If you are new to my world, two years ago I surprised my mom with a Birthday Card Bonanza. You can read more about it here. Try it for someone YOU adore!)
It’s been lovely for me to have this time with my mom. And also, to have more quiet, down time than I usually have at home in San Francisco.
I’ve been brewing up some new ideas for this upcoming year and I’d love your help!
Would you have 10-15 minutes to hop on a phone call with me and simply chat?
I’m looking for 10 or 15 people to schedule coffee klatches with. (Coffee not required, but I love the alliteration and I happen to be sipping some right now as I write!)
I want to get your thoughts on family, dreaming, happiness, and hope. I also want to share a couple ideas and see what you think.
I know I could do a written survey — but it seems like a lot more fun to get on the phone and hear your voice. (Don’t worry if you live outside of the United States. We could talk via a Zoom phone number.)
If you’d be game, email me!
Please know how grateful I would be for your time. I understand that it is one of the most precious resources you have!
I look forward to chatting with you! Yay!
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry