Today’s message is short. And simple.
Think about someone in your life who is going through a hard time. Maybe you know someone who is lonely? Someone who is grieving? Recently divorced or going through a break up? Maybe someone who is ill? Maybe there is someone in your life who just feels like giving up.
Today, call that person and offer to play a game or take a walk.
Today, write that person a greeting card or send a photo in the mail.
Today, show up at their door with some flowers or a meal.
Today, let them know somehow or some way that they are on your mind.
Your thoughtfulness could make all the difference in the world to them.
It will also make a huge difference for YOU.
Don’t wait; say it now.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
P.S. If the person you think of who needs a boost is yourself, then please don’t hesitate to reach out to someone in your life and let them know. It is not a burden to be asked for help. It is a gift. We all want to feel that we can offer ourselves to others when they need love. We love to be asked so that we can show up. You deserve love. Ask.