Hey there, beautiful friend!
Today I send you a fancy paper fan from Japan, one that you flick open for an instant breeze.
I send you tiramisu on your grandma’s fine, flowered china.
I send you a trio of butterflies, dancing in the air above your sweet head.
Welcome to your Sunday audio LoveGram.
In today’s LoveGram, I share an “I don’t wanna!” story with you.
Yep. This week I had an urge to cancel some things because it was hot and I was sweaty and the air was thick and I just plain ole did-not-want-to.
(To listen to today’s audio LoveGram, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)
This keeping our word stuff can be tricky business, right?
I mean, sometimes it can be self-care to clear the calendar.
Other times, maybe not.
Maybe it is a way to make ourselves feels worse for not showing up?
Do you know what I mean?
There are those moments in our lives when we have plans or commitments and we just don’t have the energy or inclination to follow through. These are really great times to pause and do our best to connect what is really true.
In today’s audio LoveGram, I share with you some thoughts on all of this. Especially because I literally just watched myself hem and haw and almost cancel and then not cancel and then be really, really glad I didn’t.
The aphorism, “know thyself” just dropped in my mind. It is so important that we get to know ourselves better and better as the years go by so we can make decisions based on previous experiences and bigger perspectives.
I just zipped over to Google to find out who first said “know thyself.”
This is what I found, from Wikipedia:
The Ancient Greek aphorism “know thyself” is the first of three Delphic maxims inscribed in the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi according to the Greek writer Pausanias. The two maxims that follow “know thyself” were “nothing to excess” and “certainty brings insanity”.
What I love so much about those three together is they underscore something I point out in today’s audio: There is no one rule for whether we give in to the “I don’t wanna” or whether we stay true to our word. We have to be present, in the moment, and allow the moment’s truth to rise!
Listen to the LoveGram here — just scroll down!
I know you. I know you want to take care of yourself the best you can.
I know you want to bring more life into your life.
I know you are someone who keeps growing and learning and going deeper into your beautiful self.
I applaud you for being this kind of person. The people in your life love you for this, too.
Be intentional.
Be courageous.
Keep your word.
Or not.
Pause, listen, trust the moment.
You will be so happy that you chose intentionally!
Sending you love.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
P.S. There’s no right answer. Just do your best in any given moment. Trust your gut.
Here’s today’s LoveGram:
Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 9-11-22