Hello, friend.
Greetings to you on a brisk Sunday morning in November, 2020.
Ever since March, I’ve been creating these Audio LoveGrams as a way to support us all during this pandemic. Along the way, there have been so many other huge challenges. This week is no exception.
Here in the U.S., right alongside a surge in coronavirus cases, we’ve got a big dose of divisiveness.
Let’s start the day with self-care, connection, and love, okay?
Today’s LoveGram is posted below.
Scroll down on this page. Click play.
Close your eyes. Listen. Breathe deeply. Hopefully some part of what I’m saying will resonate with you.
In my LoveGram, I mention that I have some spaces open for my 56-56-56 Birthday Kindness Project. Every year I send as many letters to strangers as years that I’ve been alive. I invite you, dear friend, to let me know if there’s someone in your life who needs a boost of love.
I have 10 spots open, which will bring me to the end of this project— 56 letters.
Email me. Please tell me if you would like the letter sent anonymously (from the Universe) or on your behalf. Also, tell me just a little about why this person needs a boost of love. And what you think they need to hear. Don’t forget to include their postal mailing address.
In a lovely moment of synchronicity, I just read a beautiful email from someone who had invited me to write a letter four years ago for a family member who was grieving.
This email said, “…. [He] still doesn’t know who sent it, but a few days ago he told me that he is forever grateful to the universe for receiving it. It still brings him peace and comfort when he’s feeling low.”
What a beautiful reminder that we truly don’t know the impact our kindness might have. It’s notes like this one that keep me going. That remind me of what matters. That give my life shape and meaning.
Partner with me to bring love to someone in your life. Or, as I suggest in today’s LoveGram, build a bridge to someone on the “other side.”
We’re all just walking each other home. And along the way, we can do our best to remember that we are all on the same side — humanity.
Thanks for being by my side. I’m here for you, too.
xo Sherry
P.S. Here’s the link to today’s song by Joni Mitchell, “Both Sides Now.”