Sunday Audio LoveGram: March 28, 2021


Hello, my beautiful friend.

Today, I send you a thousand more white apple blossoms, which seem to have multiplied with joy overnight. 

I send you today’s full moon, which was given the funny name, “Worm Moon.” 

I send you the crisp grapes and blue kombucha which I was snacking on just now — fresh and good-morning-ish. 

Did you listen to last week’s LoveGram? It was called “Merry Unbirthday” and was all about creating a special occasion on a “nothing day.” (There’s no such thing as a nothing day!) 

Today, I have the joy of telling you about a special occasion someone I know invented. It is coming up this week — and you are invited! 

Listen here!  Just scroll down on this page until you see the audio player. Click play! Voila! 


This is our one life. 

We can celebrate BECAUSE we are alive. 

We don’t need any other reason. And we certainly don’t need to earn celebration. 


Thank you for listening, today.

Never forget: you matter.  A lot. 


Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry


Here’s today’s LoveGram:

Download and listen on the go here: Love Gram 3-28-21


💓  P.S. I LOVE to hear from you. I hope you will join the Secret Agents of Change this week for “Fool for Love” Day on April 1st.  To receive Zoom information or to be notified how to participate if you can’t attend the call — because you CAN still join in the fun!— make sure you join the Secret Agents of Change Community!!! I will email you all you need to know in order to don your Secret Agent cloak and start spreading surreptitious joy. 

💓 Please email me and share your thoughts about this LoveGram. Maybe you found the secret connection between the two things I talked about that had no connection?