Hello, my beautiful friend.
Today I send you the sweet, sudden perfume of jasmine as you pass by a cornflower blue house on a tree-lined street.
I send you the magic of the crows who show up, day after day, to underscore something important and necessary.
I send you lessons learned in losing something. And the companion joy of seeing with fresh eyes all that is not yet lost.
I send you a pause. A stepping stone to the next breath. A surrender to something bigger.
I send you your own giggle, a bubbling up of happiness for no particular reason.
Today, my LoveGram is about the power of receiving what is being offered.
It is about the unexpected gifts we hold in our hands.
It is about the quiet wisdom, always waiting for us to turn our eager ears to listen.
Hear today’s Audio LoveGram now! Just scroll down on this page until you see the audio player. Click play! Voila!
How can you create tiny one-minute pauses in your day in order to reflect + listen?
Thank you for being with me today.
We are all just walking each other home. And you literally did just that this morning while I was recording!
I encourage you to remind yourself often that you deserve a rich life, filled with connection and meaning.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
Here’s today’s LoveGram:
Download and listen on the go here: Lovegram 6-13-21
P.S. This week’s challenge is to allow yourself to receive what life is offering. To assist yourself, try practicing the “stillpoint” exercise offered by David Kundtz in his book, “The Art of Stopping.” If you want to watch the author panel I refer to with David and Kim Colegrove called, “Be Still and Heal,” that link is here. If you would like to attend any of these Wednesday author conversations, you are cordially invited! Email me and I will put you on the list to receive the Zoom link, no pressure to attend!
P.P.S. Here’s the link to my Facebook Live with Tricia when we were on retreat last week in which we talk about the importance of listening and receiving guidance.