Sunday Audio LoveGram: January 23, 2022


Hello, my beautiful friend.

Today, I send you a long nap in the middle of the day, your head on a soft pillow.

I send you the tree’s dancing shadows through the sheer white curtains.

I send you a cup of something comforting.



Welcome to your Sunday audio LoveGram. And guess what? The music is back!

Today’s audio LoveGram is all about ripples, so I play you a little related sumpthin.   

(To listen to the audio, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)



I’m going to keep this note to you short because I want you to not only listen to today’s LoveGram, but I want you to SEND ONE.

So, the time you’d normally spend reading my email, you will devote to creating a RippleGram for someone YOU love.

Here are the simple steps for creating a RippleGram:

  • Think of someone you want to send some love to.
  • Now, think of a song or some music that reminds you of that person. Or, it could be music you think they’d like.
  • Search for that music online and pull it up, ready to hit play.
  • Find your phone’s Voice Memo app (or use Vocaroo) to record.
  • Don’t worry about what you will say! Just hit “play” on the app and then hit “play” on the song.
  • Let the song play while recording on your app, for 10 or 15 seconds. Then pause it.
  • Jump in by voice and say something like, “Hi Suzy! This music makes me think of you because ____. My heart is so happy right now as I share this with you and think about you. I’m sending love.”
  • If you want, play another little snippet of music at the end.

Voila! You have just created a RippleGram — an auto note that ripples love out into the world.


Speaking of love. Please know that I love you.

I’m grateful to you for being by my side.

Thank you for sharing my values of friendship, family, creativity, celebration, and joy.

(Because you share these values, I know you will give the RippleGram a whirl, even if it feels a little scary or outside your comfort zone. YOU can be the one to deepen your relationships!!) 

Thank you for choosing to step out of the cookie cutter life and be courageous enough to live out loud who you really are.

Who you are is perfect.

You make a difference.

You matter!

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry


Here’s today’s LoveGram:

Download and listen on the go here: 1-23-22 LoveGram


P.S. In my audio LoveGram I mention “Celebrating Aging,” an hour long conversation I had with my friend, Elise, on Clubhouse. If you are on Clubhouse, find me and follow, okay? Here’s the link to the replay of that conversation.