Sunday Audio LoveGram: February 14, 2021


Hello, my dear friend.

Thank you for your support and cheering on for my very first television segment that happened on Friday. 

I was really nervous and scared. But I wrote myself a note that said, “Today I will remember that my desire to help people live a life filled with love and without regrets is greater than my fear.” 

It’s Valentine’s Day and today I’m encouraging all of us to be more BRAVE in living our lives and in expressing our love. 

I’m not just talking about romantic relationships. I mean all of the people we love. 

It can feel vulnerable and uncomfortable to be the one who reaches out. However, the payoff is huge. 

Who we become in the process of expressing more love, gratitude, and appreciation is simply amazing. 

Do you know what I mean? 

Today’s LoveGram is posted below.

Scroll down on this page. Click play.

During this pandemic more people than ever are grieving, isolated, sick, and depressed. People NEED love, light, and joy. 

Can you step up, break through any resistance or vulnerability, and be the one to shine today? 

Let’s do it, together!

Thanks for being by my side.

I’m here for you, too. 

Sending special love on Valentine’s Day!

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry


Here’s today’s LoveGram: 

Download and listen on the go here: lovegram-2-14-21


💓  P.S. If you do what I encourage you to do in today’s LoveGram, please email me and share with me about it, okay. When we share our experiences it “anchors them in” — meaning, it helps them settle solidly in our bodies. Those experiences stick! 

💓  P.P.S. Here is a link to the KTVU TV segment!