Sunday Audio LoveGram: April 25, 2021


Hello, my beautiful friend.

Today, I send you permission and encouragement to celebrate who you are and the people you love. 

I send you the feeling of happiness, not because you did anything or accomplished anything or because it a “special day,” but just because you are alive and you are a wonderful person and you deserve to live in wonder and joy. 

I send you that feeling when a song you love comes on and you hop up to dance. And maybe you grab someone’s hand and twirl them around playfully. 

I send you the smell of fresh squeezed lemon and how that scent itself is celebration. 

I send you the softest cotton tee-shirt you own and the way your skin celebrates that fabric. 

I send you your face upturned to the sun, and that moment of easy joy, simply because you are a human being on this planet right here and now. 

Today, my LoveGram is about simple celebration.

Listen here!  Just scroll down on this page until you see the audio player. Click play! Voila! 

Also, it has likely been awhile since you’ve heard my manifesto, which I invite you into, as well. Watch/listen here

Pause to think about how you can celebrate yourself. 

Listen to your sweet heart when it whispers fun ideas. 

Trust your own goodness, creativity, and blooming joy. 

You matter. You elevate the moment by being YOU. 


Thank you for listening, today.

Thank you for your kind heart, which I see and know! 


Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry


Here’s today’s LoveGram:

Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 4-25-21


💓   P.S. This week’s challenge is to think of at least one reason you are celebrating yourself right now, right here. (I give some darned good reasons in the audio!) And then, when you’ve done that, allow yourself to elevate a moment for someone you love. (I give some ideas in the audio!)