I’m sending you good thoughts on this Thursday morning.
Thank you for showing up for a tiny bit of celebration today.
Whether you are feeling buoyant or blue, you are loved. Whether you need a pick-me-up or you have lots of get-up-and-go, you are loved.
However this week has been going, I know that you have done the absolute best you can. I hope you will appreciate yourself for THAT. It is what counts.
Today’s tiny moment of celebration related to what we were talking about in last Sunday’s audio LoveGram — making grand gestures of love.
In that LoveGram, I was telling you about Fannie, a wonderful woman I met on an airplane who was flying to surprise her 85-year-old sister for her birthday.
Fannie inspired me to think about what fun it is — and how loving! — to surprise someone in our life.
Remember I was encouraging you to be the one to elevate your relationships? To do something to surprise someone you love?
I like the idea of making a “grand gesture,” but I also want to remind you that the tiny surprises of life count, too!
Right now, could you open up your phone and browse through your photos for a couple minutes? As you are looking at them, can you choose one that is a happy moment with you and someone you love? Then, can you click to share that photo via email or text with the person in the pic?
All you have to type with the photo is something tiny and sweet, like, “Just stumbled across this photo and I’m smiling BIG, thinking of you.”
This tiny surprise can be exactly what that person needs to feel seen and loved.
And you know, YOU will feel good, too.
You will have created a special moment — for both of you!
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for your heart, your soul, your spirit, your goodness.
I see you.
I appreciate you.
You are loved.
Seek celebration — even in the dark corners,
xo Sherry