Hello Delightful You!
Welcome to your Sunday LoveGram.
The reason I called this one “wee little” is because sadly, I don’t have an audio for you today.
Remember last week when the audio was called “In the Weeds?” Well, ha ha, I’m back in ’em.
Nothing bad. It’s just that I’m on deadline with a super huge project AND am traveling to Los Angeles for the week.
So, please forgive me for not having an audio for you.
If you’ve been hanging around me, you know that every once in awhile, when I am just too exhausted or over-scheduled to be able to create a new audio, I like to use it as an opportunity to remind myself — and YOU — that we aren’t machines.
We can give ourselves a break.
I always hope that when I take a break, like I’m doing today, that YOU will look in your own life and see if you might need a break. And if so, grant it to yourself!
You can just tell yourself, “Sherry told me to!”
See that image up above? It says, “Perfect as you are.”
I want you to know that is true. However you are is perfect. You don’t need to be different or feel different!
Thank you for being here for this wee little LoveGram. I’m grateful for you. I will be back next week with an audio!
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
💖 P.S. Would you consider making yourself an audio today? Just open up your smart phone and find the “Voice Memo” app. There is a red button to hit record. Then just say, “Hello Beautiful!” And see what is on your mind. You could prompt yourself with the question, “What is going well today?” Or, “What is one beautiful thing I saw today?” Watch what happens!
In my spiritual practice, we make recordings all the time that are encouragements and love to ourselves in our own voices. If you want to find out more about this Practice, there’s a great book by Cheri Huber called “What You Practice is What You Have.”
I hope you give it a try!
💖 P.P.S. If you missed listening to last week’s audio, “In the Weeds,”here it is, waiting for you!