You are on my mind! 

Why? Because I love sharing tiny moments of joy with you. 

I also like sharing tiny moments that started as hard but then turned themselves upside down and somersaulted into a spark of celebration. 


Yesterday I was listening to some random recordings I’d made for myself — you know, like audio coaching — and I stumbled across one from last year when I was having a hard time. 

In this recording, I was kinda playing coach to the part who was struggling. (It was rather sweet, to be honest.) 

The coach part said to the sad/struggly part, “Hey, if I promise to hang out with you, do you think you could find the willingness to hang out in the dark for a while and fumble around with me as we look for a light switch?” 

The coach part then said, “Once we find a light switch, we will have a really great chance to look all around and find a door that we can’t see right now.”

She continued, “I bet when we do find that door, that when we open it, it could open to a whole new country or landscape or universe that we had no idea existed. 

We just have to be willing to hang out in the dark until we find the light. Can you do that?” 


So, this recording ended with the coach part saying, “Do you think you can find the willingness to be in process, to be in the dark and trust that at some point you will be walking out a door to some place new?”


I don’t know about you, but I find a great comfort in the ideas that:

  • I can show up for the scared parts of myself and help lead them to new places.
  • I can trust that there is a light switch someplace. 
  • I can trust that when I find the light switch I will have renewed energy to try to find a door. 
  • I can trust that there are whole worlds out there that I’ve never experienced. My past does not dictate my future. 
  • I can start right here, wherever I am, and choose to not leave my own side. I can be my own best friend. 

For me, hearing that recording was like being back in that moment long ago when everything was dark. And that sweet “coach” part who showed up to help was carrying a pinprick of light with her. 

THAT is the celebration moment. 

It is feeling the quiet joy of knowing that we can help ourselves get through the dark. 

It is the fact that each of us has within us a sweet coach or still small voice or angel or wise sage who can be with us when we are going through hard times. 


If you are feeling a little lost in the dark, can you remember a time in your life when you were in the same kinda place and you found the light switch again? 

It can help to remember that “all things will come and pass.” It can also help to muster up a part of yourself to be with the smaller, scared, part. 

If you are feeling quite light-filled, can you try to think of someone in your life who may need you to brighten their day? Please reach out in some small way to be a candle or a pinprick of light for them. 

Help someone by sitting with them in their dark room. Help look for the light switch. 


Thank you for being here and sharing in the celebration of life. 

ALL of life. 

Even the darkness. Even the hard stuff. 

We can do hard things. We can be with ourselves or with one another and fumble around until we find a light switch! 

Seek celebration — even in the dark corners,

xo Sherry 

✨  P.S If you missed last week’s LoveGram, you can listen here. In it, you hear a beautiful story from someone in our community who lost almost everything. And, she still found her way out of the dark night of the soul.