Hello wonderful friend.

This has not been an easy week. 

I say that for myself, but also for so many people I know. 

AND, of course, for so many people all over the world navigating HUGE and unimaginable grief and loss. 


I don’t need to spell it out.  

I heard from many of you after my note on Friday. You reached out with your love and care. You also reached out to say that you’ve been struggling. You echo’d the fears and sorrows of so many humans. 

And yet, here we are. 

We keep showing up. 

We show up as best we can for ourselves. 

We show up as best we can for the people we love. 

We show up, over and over again, to do our best to make life a little better for ourselves, our loved ones, our communities, and the world as a whole. 


Today’s LoveGram is about offering help and asking for help. 

It is about how we can be the ones to be strong sometimes. And how we can be the ones to need others’ strength sometimes. 

We can be the ones to intentionally throw out a life line or to put out the SOS. 

To hear the audio LoveGram, click on the link, then scroll down on the page it sends you to, you’ll see the audio player. 


We are all in this together. 

No matter what is going on, we are part of this web of humanity. 

We need to remember to NOT distract ourselves from what matters. 

We need to pay attention to what we need and to what we can give. 


Reach out to someone in your life β€”anyone who pops into your mind β€” and show up with unexpected care and love. 

If you need to, you can reach out and ask for care and love. 

Either way, we need you! The world needs you!

Seek celebration β€” even in dark corners,

xo Sherry