Welcome to your Audio LoveGram. 

Today’s audio is based on a phrase you’ve heard me say quite often: sadness and celebration are two sides of the same coin. 

We’re human. And that means a whole spectrum of experiences and emotions. (Sometimes it seems like all of ’em all at once!) 

It’s important to remind ourselves often that whatever we are experiencing is absolutely okay! 

If we are in a good place, that is a good time to send some love to someone who may not be. If we are in a hard place, it is a good time to ask for help. 

We are all in this together — flipping and being flipped as sadness/celebration! 


This audio LoveGram was recorded when I was with my friend, Brittany, whom you “met” a couple months ago. 

I was visiting with Brittany and another friend and sharing with them how I’m still struggling with a lot of changes happening in my family life. It’s a time of transition right now and I can’t yet see what is on the other side of it. 

As someone who takes great comfort in the stability of “home,” it is unsettling to not have a clear vision of what home or family will look like a few months from now. 

However, as you will hear, by being in conversation with my friends, I had the chance to remember something my son told me that his study-abroad brochure had highlighted: “we can see roots as horizontal, instead of vertical.” 

What if we imagine our roots as being spread all across the planet — touching down with every single amazing person we know and love? 

Listen to more about this in today’s audio LoveGram by clicking to this page and scrolling down to the purple box! 


Thank you for being here, across the metaphorical table from me. Thank you for being part of my horizontal root system! 

I know you want close relationships and to feel alive and connected. I know you want to share your gifts with the world and to experience the beauty all around. 

I also know how challenging it can all be sometimes. 

That’s why we do it together. That’s why we have these conversations together. That’s why we are all walking each other home and sharing all the ups and downs. 

Thanks for being here with me! 

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry