I’m happy to be spending a tiny bit of time with you again. Thank you for being here!
Today I send you the childlike joy of blowing bubbles and watching them float way, way high in the sky.
I send you a picnic basket, a friend, a park bench, and the sun on your face.
I send you music, wafting your way from some stranger’s instrument.
We’ve been together every Sunday for the LoveGram since March, 2020, when the pandemic began.
I’m so grateful that we are doing this together β navigating all the ups and downs the best we can.
I see the way you show up. I see your big heart and your willingness to love people and life in new ways!
I hope you appreciate yourself for this!
In today’s audio LoveGram we are talking about how to sit with the questions in our lives and let the answers reveal themselves.
We talk about how to surrender into the uncomfortableness of not knowing.
We talk about trust. And faith. And slowing down.
And, guess what?! I have a special guest! My friend, Brittany Imwalle, founder of The Roam Collaborative and simply an all-around beautiful, caring, and compassionate person.
Brittany and I are both in one of those life phases where it feels like something is next, but we don’t know what!
Have you ever felt that? Maybe you do right now?
Listen to today’s LoveGram as we explore how to navigate the unknown by clicking to this page, then scrolling down until you see the audio player in the purple box.
Here’s a quote that launched the LoveGram today and that I’ve loved for decades:
βHave patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day.β
βRainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet
I’m so grateful for you.
I’m so grateful for our connection and that we can share what matters most together.
Just remember: you are not alone on this journey!
We’re in this together!
Seek celebration β even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
π P.S. This is your permission slip to NOT KNOW, to not have to figure something out, to surrender to the quiet trust of listening and to the faith that life will lead the way.