There’s nothing that makes me happier than hearing stories of Love Lists that people have made.

(A Love List is a gift you make for someone in which you tell them all the things you love about them, the impact they’ve had on your life, and what makes them unique in all the world. If you haven’t downloaded my free Love List Tool Kit, I encourage you to do so!)

Last week, I got a message from Lynn Pickett Ellis telling me how profound it was to create a list of 80 things she loves about her mom, Darlene.

I posted Lynn’s beautiful note in blue, below. I want you to notice that the Love List was not only a gift to Lynn’s mom, Darlene, but also a huge gift to Darlene’s grandchildren. They got to learn a lot about their Grandma. They got to learn a lot about their Mom. They got to be a part of their family history and a huge well of love.

As well, making the list allowed Lynn to re-experience so many happy memories and to feel a sense of healing.

Pretty cool, right? Check it out:

I want you to understand why I am constantly encouraging you to make Love Lists.

It is no small thing.

In fact, I believe that the practice and making and giving Love Lists is truly life changing.

I can say that because it changed mine! I feel closer to people now than ever before in my life because I am so comfortable telling people what I appreciate about them. I feel more joy than ever before because when I am making Love Lists, all of my attention is on what’s right and good, not what’s wrong or missing.

Love Lists have taught me to be more expressive with my love and to also receive love when it is given to me.

Here are some ways I can support you in creating at least one Love List this holiday season: 

  • Download my free printables and the Love List Toolkit.
  • Listen to the free audio replay from *The New Black* Friday call I hosted with The Creativity Caravan in which we walk you through creating a knock-their-socks-off list for someone. We will help you think of ultra-creative ways to write your list. Just get some paper ready, hit play, and enjoy the workshop!
  • Read this Huffington Post Article, which might inspire you to think of someone who especially needs a gift like this right now. This article also includes a 5-minute video on making your Love List into a fairy light Joy Jar.
  • If you do those first three things and still find yourself dragging your feet on making a Love List, then let me help you with my Love List Assist! I will get on the phone with you for 30-minutes, talk to you about your friend or family member, and create a beautiful Love List for you that you can give as a gift as is — or in a pretty frame!


Seek celebration—even in dark corners,


P.S. Thank you to Lynn for giving me permission to share the photos and a page from her Love List! In case it was too small to read above, here’s that page a lil bigger. Isn’t it so wonderful to read a few things that someone loves about someone else?! I could do that all day long! Lynn’s heart just jumps off the page! (And just imagine — there were many more pages like this in the Love List!)