I wanted to give you a heads-up that it is almost time for our annual *The New Black* Friday virtual party.

Every year as an antidote to the consumerism of Black Friday, I like to schedule some cozy time at home to make Love Lists for people in my life.

And I would love it if you would join me!

There’s nothing wrong with shopping or with material gifts — of course!— but I just betcha that there is someone in your life who would most value a gift of love and appreciation! Isn’t there someone who needs a big dose of pure gratitude instead of a chotchke?

AND … it is such a gift to give ourselves some quiet time the day after Thanksgiving to sip some tea and bask in all the joy of what it means to love someone.

In this culture of what’s wrong and not enough, the simple act of focusing on what’s right and what we love can lift our spirits and give us a boost of happy endorphins.

Click on over to the event page on Facebook, where you can say yes to attending this virtual event + then you’ll receive all my updates before and during the event. (You can say yes even if you’re not sure you can make a Love List that day, so you can be a part of the conversation and maybe plan on making a Love List another day! You will be with us in spirit!)



Free Tele-Call with Special Guests The Creativity Caravan
Hope you can join us for another knock-their-socks-off Love List Making call with Maya Stein and Amy Tingle of The Creativity Caravan. Amy and Maya ooze creativity and have tons of ideas for brainstorming your list! In honor of *The New Black* Friday, we’ll walk you step-by-step through making a creative Love List that you can give as a gift.

Put this on your calendar:
When: Friday, November 24
Time: 10am PT/1pm ET/6pm UK
Call-in: 641.715.3655
Code: 309893#

Seek celebration — even in the dark corners,