I want to remind you to take care of yourself. Exquisite care. Heroic self-care.

It is always important, but especially when you might be feeling grief, loss, sadness, fear or physical pain.

It’s been a tough couple weeks over here in my world and it has reminded me to make sure I’m doing everything I can to be kind and compassionate with myself.

So I thought maybe I’d remind you, too!

Sometimes simply reading the news can affect us so deeply on an emotional level.

All the heartbreaking photos of starving children in Yemen, the flooding in Houston, the Rohingya refugees fleeing to Bangladesh, the continued crisis in Syria, the terrorist bombings, and so much more can weigh our hearts down.

It does mine. Which is why I limit the amount of news I read. That’s one form of self-care. I try to stay updated on world events and to donate to causes that touch me, but I also limit exposure — especially when I am feeling depleted. We need to fill up our wells so that we have a place to give from.

As you may know, I’m in the midst of a Birthday Kindness Project in which I write letters to strangers who are grieving, lost, or lonely. I love the beautiful connections I get to make with the people who request the letters. I am uplifted by the love people’s friends and family express. But it is also a project that reminds me daily of the depth of human pain.

My spiritual teacher, Cheri Huber, always says, “It can be really hard to be a human.” That’s why we need to take such good care of ourselves and everyone else.

On top of those other things, these past couple weeks my dear little family was going through its own crisis. I found myself getting overwhelmed with stress, fear, and exhaustion.

I had to remind myself over and over to seek or create a pinprick of light. I posted online in various places and asked people to tell me about happy moments. I called friends and asked for help. I stood outside at nightfall and let myself focus in the fresh smell in the air and the fluttering of birds nearby. I noticed white butterflies flitting outside my studio. I went to dance class. I took hot baths. I let myself cry when I needed to. I read cards in my “happy notes” folder. I listened to lots and lots of self-mentoring audios I’ve created through the years.

Each of these things was a little pinprick of light.

And what I want you to know is that in any moment, all you need is just one bit of light.

My whole Simply Celebrate business was created on this life practice and it has continued to work for me all these years. Our lives happen in moments. And in single moments we can always turn our attention to one thing that we love or that brings us joy. And as soon as we do so — we are headed out of the dark tunnel and toward the light.

Then, it is just a matter of rinse and repeat.

If you haven’t ever heard my story about how pinpricks of light and celebration saved my life 20+years ago when I was caught behind an iron wall of depression/anxiety, you can watch the video I created here.

And if you want some wee inspiration about “How to Survive in the Dark,” you can hear me read my 8-page tiny book here.

Sending big love your way.

Seek celebration; even in the dark corners,


P.S. I’ve written about 20 letters thus far for my 53-53-53 Birthday Kindness Project. Thank you to everyone who has requested a letter for someone in your life. I am so touched by how much love and compassion there is out there.

I’m headed out of town for business this week + won’t be able to write my letters while away. So I am not yet ready to invite more of you to request letters. But when I return next week, I’ll be sending out an email request. So think about if you know someone who needs extra love + you can respond to my note next week, okay?

In the meantime, do what you can to seek and create those pinpricks of light for people who need ’em. Including yourself.