I met some new friends last week who absolutely delighted me with their energy, humor, and heart.
Afterward, I emailed them an audio note, telling them that when I was walking home from meeting them, I felt like I’d been injected with a vitamin boost. I told them about parts of our conversation that really touched me. I read them a short poem that was aligned with something we’d been talking about.
I just wanted them to know the impact they had on me.
The audio note was five minutes and 39 seconds long. That’s it. Just five minutes. And they LOVED it.
In fact, they loved it so much, that they bought this magnet (pictured above) for me.
I’m telling you this because it’s easy to get hung up on thinking about what to do for others. We keep trying to think of the right thing. And then time passes. And we end up not doing anything at all.
I want you to know that it doesn’t take a lot of time or money to express how much we appreciate and love someone in our lives. Really. It can be as simple as turning on the audio app on your smart phone, recording something you appreciate, and emailing it to that person. Voila!
If you don’t know how to send an audio memo, send a voice mail when you know they’re at work. Or heck, call them live. Or go all wonderfully old-fashioned and send a greeting card in the mail. (Postal mail! Remember that?!)
Holy Love Fest! It is that simple.
All too often we get that perfectionist bug. We think something needs to more or better. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t!
Before you close this post and return to your regularly scheduled life, please think of one person you know who could use a boost of appreciation today. Then, commit to spending just five minutes to somehow shower that person with some surprise love.
Say it now!
If you wanna tell me about it , I’d love to hear! (It’s not bragging; it’s sharing the joy!)
Here’s to your one small act filled with great big love,
Note on how to create an audio message: If you have an iPhone, you already have an app called “Voice Memos,” on your phone. Hit that great big red button and record your message. Then click the icon for email and voila, love sent! (If you have any other kind of phone, just search the app store for something called “audio recorder” and see what you find!)
Note on how to get me to do it for you: To make it super duper extra easy for you, I’d be thrilled to create special audio note for someone you love from you. I can’t deliver automatically the way you can, but it is lots of fun. And there’s an added oomph when someone knows that their goodness is being witnessed by a third party! Find out more here! (If you’re thinking ahead, this makes a cool Father’s Day surprise!)