Last week I posted a free template that you could easily download, write an appreciation on, and send to someone in your life who might need a boost or who’d appreciate some unexpected love.
It was fun to create the printable and I hoped that folks would actually try it out to see how good it feels to surprise someone that way.
I know from my own life that simply taking five or ten minutes to do something like this for someone can add a big ole sparkle to my whole day.
But guess what?
This week I got surprised.
One wonderful reader, (Pam, that’s YOU!), downloaded the template, printed it out, and wrote an appreciation for me on it. She sent it off, just like that, without any explanation.
Well, when I got the envelope I was so excited. You know how we all rarely get “real mail” anymore?! Here was a handwritten envelope for me. The name on the return address looked familiar, but I couldn’t place who she was.
I tore it open and when I saw what it was, I just started laughing with delight. What an absolutely wonderful surprise! The first thing I thought was, “it works! It really works.” One sentence on a piece of paper literally made a huge difference in my day.
I ran out to show my son. I posted it near my computer where I would see it every day. I felt giddy every time I saw it.
Pam’s thoughtful note is bringing me pinpricks of light every single time I see it.
THIS is what you can do for someone. It really takes just minutes. The effect could last a lifetime. I’m not kidding. I will keep Pam’s note in a special book I have that I look through when I need a boost. I’ll probably be 90 years old and still reading her note!
We all need this!
If you didn’t do it last week, please try it now. All you’ve got to lose is about ten minutes, a single sheet of paper, and a stamp.
Don’t wait. Say it now. I can tell you from my own experience (Thanks, Pam!) that it means the world to people on the receiving end of your thoughtfulness.
P.S. Remember how I said the name on the envelope looked familiar? I knew the sender had to be one of my readers and was happy I had her mailing address so I could write and tell her how much her note meant to me.
Then today, on a whim, I decided to follow-up with folks from my 50-50-50 Kindness Project. For months I’d wanted to thank everyone for helping make my birthday so amazing. Guess who was the first person on my list for the 50-50-50 Project? Pam! I’d sent a letter to a family member of hers who was going through a difficult time. So now the boost has come full circle back to me. I love that!
P.P.S. Here’s the link for the free printable. Do it now. {Why wait?}