My friend Lisa sent me this handmade ornament and it tickles me to no end every time I look at it.
Yep, that's us, oh-so-many years ago. She dolled us up with some party hats and a little pink pizzazz. (LOVE that word! Say it three times: pizzazz, pizzazz, pizzazz!)
What I appreciate so very much about Lisa's gift is that it is more than just a very delightful ornament. She's given me the gift of letting me know that she was thinking of me and our friendship. She's giving me the gift of expressing how much she values our connection. She's giving me something tangible to remind ME of our friendship. There's so much thought packed into this small item!
One of my favorite things every year is opening up the box with all the tree ornaments in it. Almost every ornament we have is connected to a family member or friend. They're tangible reminders of awesome moments in time. I like to hold each ornament and re-feel all the joy of whatever that ornament represents. Might be the family trip to Niagra Falls. Might be a play I saw with my son. Might be the annual tea with girlfriends. Every year when I hang *this* one on the tree, I get to feel that wonderful connection to Lisa and be reminded of how lucky I am to have her as a friend.
What gifts could you give the people in your life — at the holidays and all year 'round— that are touchstones for the love you share? It's an old adage, but still so very true: it is the thought that counts. Really. This ornament says it all.
Better than an iPad? You bet.