Hello friend!
Today I send you a vee of Canadian geese, splendidly crossing the white morning sky.
I send you tiny purple crocus buds braving the cold to open to the world.
I send you the sound of soft piano music as you step downstairs .
Welcome to your Sunday audio LoveGram. As always, I am grateful to be here with you.
Today’s audio LoveGram continues along the theme I began earlier this week on Leap Day. (If you missed that email, here it is on the blog.)
As the week goes on, I’m still delighted by the act of physical leaping and by the “course correction” permission that Leap Day offers us.
And, since it is Leap YEAR, that means we can give ourselves grace and space for all of 2024!
Most of us are way too hard on ourselves and could use more self-kindness. I hope today’s audio serves you in that way!
(To listen to today’s audio LoveGram, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)
I’m offering a free group coaching mini-workshop on this idea of allowing ourselves permission to course correct and reset.
Join me on Thursday, March 7th at 12n-12:30 PT (3pm ET).
My friend, I see your sweet heart.
I know you want to give yourself grace and not hang on to hard feelings about anything in your life.
You are doing the best you can. Be extra kind.
Just remember: if the dang calendar creator can say OOPS and course correct every four years with something that impacts billions of people, surely YOU can give yourself a break, too!
Join me on Thursday for thirty minutes and we will do our course corrections together!
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
💖 P.S. Watch my Leap Day video here! Then register for my free group coaching session on Thursday, March 7th here.
💖 P.P.S Give yourself a giggle and watch the Van Halen video, Jump!
Here’s today’s LoveGram: See purple box below!
Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 3-3-24