Hello Delightful You!
Welcome to your Sunday LoveGram.
Today I send you a big round full moon, lighting your path in the darkest night.
I send you a sweet compliment from a stranger with a smile.
I send you a whoosh of unexpected energy from doing something you love.
Today’s audio LoveGram was recorded after I noticed ole Squawky Polly trying to keep me from a creative commitment I had to myself.
I don’t know where it comes from, but there is most definitely some strange force in the world that seems to want to hold us back from doing things that will lift us up, make us feel good, or elevate our joy.
On today’s LoveGram, I share my experience with you and we explore how to flex our muscles and not let ole Squawky Polly get the best of us!
(To listen to today’s audio LoveGram, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)
If you are new to my world and wondering who in the world “Squawky Polly” is, I will tell you! My son created that expression when he was ten years old — 14 years ago! I had told him about “Monkey Mind,” which is a very common expression for the part of our brains that seems to try to distract us with lots of chatter, procrastination, or distractions.
I wanted a fresh expression for Monkey Mind and my son invented Squawky Polly. To me, it feels apt. Sometimes it seems like my head is full of yammer that doesn’t really help me live the life I want!
If you’ve had the experience that I did this morning — in which you have scheduled something that will make you feel good, but somehow you end up doing everything but that thing, I hope you will listen to the LoveGram and report back what you think!
I know you are here because you want to live a connected, colorful, and spirited life. I know you are always looking for ways to love yourself and others better.
I hope today’s audio supports you! Thank YOU for supporting me in all the ways you do. I’m glad we are here together!
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
Here’s today’s LoveGram: See purple box below!
Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 10-20-24