Hello wonderful friend.

I send you pumpkin spice cookies on a flowery plate from your Grandma’s house. 

I send you all the reds, golds, browns, and deep greens of this season. 

I send you a handwritten letter, with a LOVE stamp, from a faraway friend. 


Today’s audio LoveGram is about going beyond the tired ole gratitude practice of “write three things…” and offers a way to put your appreciation into action. 

Today, I am encouraging you to write a short note or card as thank you to someone who has been kind or brought you joy. 

Is there a clerk at your local market who always has a smile? Does your librarian go out of her way to find you books you love? Maybe a teacher at your child’s school has given them extra support? 

 I know it takes digging up a stamp and a notecard, but putting your gratitude in the mail is a surefire way to make someone’s day. 

(To listen to today’s audio LoveGram, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)


Thank you for being here with me. 

I know you are here because you want to live a kind, generous, loving life. You care about people around you. I know you do. 

I also know that you want to FEEL more. All of these conversations we are having help us both to remember what is important in life and to jumpstart more energy and enthusiasm. 

We’re on this journey together. I’m GRATEFUL for you. 

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry



Here’s today’s LoveGram: See purple box below!

Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 11-26-23