Hello Beautiful Friend!
Welcome to your Sunday Audio LoveGram.
Today I send you one plump lemon on a tiny new lemon tree.
I send you the sound of wind chimes tinkling on your neighbor’s porch.
I send you orange, lime, and raspberry — colors or tastes!
Mostly, I am sending you a big hug and lots of love. It isn’t easy to be a human being on a planet with billions of other humans.
There are so many logistics and emotions to navigate.
It makes me think of Nadine, whom I met in a hotel restaurant in Oregon. She said, “People are heroes. Everyone is so brave to be alive and face each day.”
Today’s audio LoveGram is brought to you from the Spinnaker Restaurant in Sausalito, California. (I just wanted to say that because the word, “spinnaker” makes me smile. It’s like razzle dazzle or dappling or dizzy. Some words are just joyful to say!)
I recorded this LoveGram with my friend Tricia, who has been a LoveGram special guest on a handful of other occasions. Some of you may feel like she’s your friend, too, by now. (I hope so.)
Tricia is embarking on an entirely new chapter of her life. She’s moving from California to Canada to become a winery owner with her partner!
While we were having our last in-person dinner together before she moves, we started talking about transitions. Tricia is really good with them. I’m not!
How are YOU with transitions?
How do you practice self-care during them? (Or not!) How do you handle the emotions?
In the audio, Trish and I talk about the two sides of transitions — the endings and the beginnings. They can be emotionally-laden. Or they can be light. Or anything in between!
(To listen to today’s audio LoveGram, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)
No matter where you are in your life — at a start of something, ending something, or smack-dab in the middle, I send you the sense of being grounded and at peace.
May you support yourself fully. May you have people you love to travel the days alongside. (Even if they are far away, like my friend Tricia will soon be!)
I see your sweet heart and your willingness to love people and life in so many ways!
Please know how much you matter.
We are all just walking each other home — like Ram Dass beautifully voiced.
Let’s hold hands and support one another with every step!
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
Here’s today’s LoveGram: See purple box below!
Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 5-21-23