Hello friend!
Welcome to your Sunday audio LoveGram.
Today I send you a glimmer of foil — a hidden chocolate egg!—underneath the purple hydrangeas in your backyard.
I send you the unexpected, but oh-so-welcome, chirp chirp of the finches in the acacia tree.
I send you blueberry jam on seeded sourdough toast.
Thank you for being with me today and for sharing in so many ways that we celebrate our lives and the people we love.
Today’s audio LoveGram is a nod to the old-fashioned Easter egg hunt.
You can think about it as a metaphor for a treasure hunt or looking for hidden goodness in life. It is about training our brains to look for the sparkles or the pinpricks of light!
In today’s audio, I give you some different levels of implementing your own metaphorical (or actual) “Easter Egg Hunt.”
You can simply set an intention to find hidden treasures as your day unfolds; you can consciously take a Sparkle Stroll; or you can actually buy some plastic colored eggs, write LOVE LIST items for each one, and hide ’em around the house.
(To listen to today’s audio LoveGram, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)
You don’t have to celebrate Easter in order to enjoy a real or metaphorical Easter Egg hunt!
We can use this day as yet another opportunity to train our brains to look for the good stuff that is hidden all around us!
That’s what today’s audio LoveGram is all about!
My friend, I see you. I appreciate you. I am inspired by you!
Keep on seeking — and creating — pinpricks of light. Do this for yourself and for others.
Sending love and light your way … now, and always.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
Here’s today’s LoveGram: See purple box below!
Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 3-31-24