I’m glad you are here.

Thank you for sharing in conversation with me!

Today, I woke up feeling kinda meh.

But talking to YOU (making my LoveGram) kick-started some happy zest. THAT is the power of connecting to kindred spirits.


In today’s audio LoveGram you join me in the process of going from flat to fun.

I didn’t set out to offer a checklist of how to do this, but it all started with me wanting to SHOW UP for you โ€” and asking the great Sumpthin’ Sumpthin’ for help with that.

It is pretty amazing that often the old adage, “ask and help is given” really does work. ย 

In today’s audio, I share with you the moment-by-moment process of coming to life by listening to life.ย 

(To listen to todayโ€™s audio LoveGram, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)


Here’s what happened for me as I was making today’s LoveGram for you:

I felt meh.

I wanted to show up for you, for our weekly conversation. So, I asked for help from the Great Sumpthin’ Sumpthin’. (Thank you to whomever invented that name!)

An idea dropped in. I followed it. I asked for some music to go along with that idea. It dropped in!

I started playing a snippet of music and connecting to kindred spirits (YOU!) and was instantly uplifted.

I let myself be goofy and sing along and just be myself โ€” and more joy burst through me.

Here’s the “how to feel more alive” checklist that emerged as we talked today:

  • Connect to cool people.
  • Be spontaneous.
  • Ask for help from something bigger.
  • Create and follow ritual.
  • Be yourself.
  • Be messy.
  • Read poems and look at colorful things.
  • Sing out loud.

Voila! Instant pik-me-up!


Hey, friend โ€” I see you.

I appreciate you.

I love you exactly as you are. In fact, I love you BECAUSE of exactly who you are.

I especially love the places where you might be jumping outta the sardine can and doin’ your own thang.

Your beautiful heart sings out loud. Your colorful spirit sparkles.

What will you do today to live your own kinda music out loud?! ย 

I’m here, practicing with you!

Seek celebration โ€” even in dark corners,

xo Sherry


๐Ÿ’– P.S. Here’s the colorful video of “Make Your Own Kind of Music” by Cass Elliott. ย 


Hereโ€™s todayโ€™s LoveGram: See purple box below!

Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 6-9-24
