Welcome to your Sunday Audio LoveGram.
Today I send you a bright yellow lemon slice to add zest to your refreshing glass of water.
I send you the sound of laughter in the distance.
I send you a moment, hand on heart, in which you feel grateful for who you are and all the ways you show up the best you can.
Today’s audio LoveGram is about how we can end each day feeling that gratitude for ourselves — no matter how challenging the day may have been.
I had a hard week this week. It feels as if some of the solid foundations under my life are crumbling and there are lots of big changes on the horizon.
It feels important to me to remember that “celebration” comes in many forms and does not always look like confetti and balloons. Â
Sometimes celebration is that hand-on-heart gratitude for ourselves in a quiet moment at the end of the day.Â
(To listen to today’s audio LoveGram, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)
I love you that are sitting across from the metaphorical table from me. I love that we can share in life’s celebrations — when we are energized and joyful or when things are more challenging and we need to celebrate our resilience.
Never forget how much YOU MATTER.
You do! Whether or not I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you or interacting with you, I feel your spirit. We are connected.
YOU are goodness. I know that. I see that in you. I hope you do, too.Â
Thanks for being here with me!
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
Here’s today’s LoveGram: See purple box below!
Download and listen on the go here:Â LoveGram 7-23-23