Hello friend!

Today I send you a goat named Benedict, curious and playful in the early morning hours. 

I send you a medley of bird calls and dawn songs. 

I send you tiny purple buds sprouting up alongside the labyrinth. 

Welcome to your Sunday audio LoveGram. As always, I am grateful to be here with you. 


Today’s audio LoveGram was recorded in Cobble Hill, British Columbia, where I am staying with my friend, Tricia. I am here for a month! 

This week we are talking about time.

There is enough. 

We are in conversation about the power of a quarter hour. What I mean by that is how much can happen to us, for us, or within us in that tiny space of time. 

 If you, like me, ever feel as if there isn’t enough time or that you don’t have the energy for the people you love, you will want to listen to this audio. 

 I’ve got a wonderful secret (and easy!) tool to share. 

(To listen to today’s audio LoveGram, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)


I’m super interested in what is possible in small amounts of time. Having the coffee klatches with many of you has helped me see that true connection can happen in a small space of time — even in just a quarter of an hour!

If you’ve been waiting to take action on connecting with someone you love, TRY THIS. Ask for a 15-minute call. If you do it on Zoom, you will get to see someone’s big smile.

In addition to being a way to connect when you don’t have a lot of time, these 15-minutes calls can also be great ways to practice anything you want to do in your life: yoga, walking, playing guitar, learning a language, meditation. 

 Heck, you don’t even need fifteen minutes, try five! 


My friend, I see your generous heart. 

I know you want to be as loving as possible for people in your life. 

I know you are doing the best you can. 

Just remember: small actions that happen are way better than big intentions waiting to happen! 

Experience the power of a quarter of an hour by setting up a talk with someone you’ve been missing or by stepping into something you’ve long wanted to do. I promise, you will be glad you did!

Never forget: YOU MATTER! 

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry

💖 P.S. Let’s talk on-on-one! Meet me for a virtual coffee? Sign up here for a 15-minute coffee klatch! You’ll be amazed at how much connection can happen in that small space of time! 


Here’s today’s LoveGram: See purple box below!

Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 2-25-24