Hello wonderful friend.

I send you the sound of crunching leaves on a winter labyrinth.

I send you ratatouille dinner with a friend, by candlelight.

I send you the warm feeling of being kind and true to yourself.

Welcome to your Sunday audio LoveGram.

As always, I am grateful to be here with you.


Today’s audio LoveGram was recorded in Cobble Hill, British Columbia, where I am staying with my friend, Tricia. 

Part of the recording you will hear is a snippet from an audio sent to me by Wren, a Simply Celebrate community member, who inspired today’s theme of “be your own best friend!” (Thank you, Wren!)

Today’s LoveGram is also thanks to my Zen Sangha and teacher Cheri Huber, who offers practices that support loving and caring for our own sweet hearts. (In fact, scroll down to learn about a beautiful and life-changing free gift from Cheri’s organization, Living Compassion!) 


Today we are talking about being our own best friend.  

Think about it: who will travel every moment of every day with us? Who is by our side for every step? WE ARE! 

It is so important to think about how we take care of ourselves and how we love ourselves throughout this journey we are on. 

To hear more on this topic, listen to today’s audio! 

(To listen to today’s audio LoveGram, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)


As I mentioned up above, my Zen teacher, Cheri Huber, is offering her book, “There is Nothing Wrong with You” in audio format for free for anyone who would like to listen. 

Why is she being so generous? Because she cares deeply about helping to end suffering in the world. Because she knows that this book could change your life. 

If you want to practice being your own best friend, this book is a beautiful place to start! 


Thank you for being here with me and for spending time every week thinking about topics that touch our hearts, that are really meaningful, and that align with our values. 

I know you are here because you are practicing showing up in ways that enable you to live our loud what matters most inside of you. 

We get to do this together and I’m so grateful for that. 

I’m GRATEFUL for you. I’m grateful for our friendship! 

Never forget: YOU MATTER! 

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry

💖 P.S. Let’s talk on-on-one! Meet me for a virtual coffee? Sign up here for a 15-minute coffee klatch! You’ll be amazed at how much connection can happen in a quarter hour. 


Here’s today’s LoveGram: See purple box below!

Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 2-18-24